The works of Frans Krajcberg are a cry of alert and a cry for hope. He never stopped denouncing the plundering of natural resources by man, while illustrating Nature’s astonishing capacity for resilience.
For the first time since November 2018, we are presenting the complete donation of the works Frans Krajcberg gave to the City of Paris; a set of sculptures and paintings emblematic of his work:
- IMPRINTS of rocks, and in particular, the painting thanks to which Frans Krajcberg won the Venice Biennale in 1964.
- "TABLEAUX-ASSEMBLAGES" stones, soil and other natural elements: lianas, leafs leaves, barks, Amazonian corals, Minas Gerais quartz..
- REVOLTS, amous sculptures made from wood “rescued” from the fires of in the Amazon rainforest, enhanced with natural pigments.
- SHADOWS : paintings and sculptures in which Frans Krajcberg plays with the shadows cast on his sculptures, and that he loved to rework with the seasons. His work seems to pursue an interminable quest: to resurrect the dead.
The presentation of Frans Krajcberg’s works is accompanied and completed with films, founding texts and photographs showing Frans Krajcerg’s ecological commitment.
- videos by Frans Krajcberg: he only worked with natural elements, which he enhanced with pigments taken directly from the mines of Minas Gerais in Brazil. Several videos of the artist show his fascination for open-air pallets. He made his first macro photographs, highlighting the details of nature that captivated him.
- documentary films: our projection room permanently hosts a documentary on Frans Krajcberg, an introduction to his life and to his work. “The camera follows him everywhere: at home, in his studio, on his installations, in search of materials, places…It dives into archives and photos, to paint a portrait of an original artist through his way of life today ”.
“Portrait of a revolt” by Maurice Dubroca, produced by Éric Darmon (Mémoire Magnétique production, 2004, 52 min) who received the UNESCO Documentary Prize in 2004.
We continuously broadcast the documentary “Promenades”, 9 times 5 minutes in which we follow Frans Krajcberg in his Brazilian daily life: his perched house, his workshop in Nova Viçosa, his favorite tree and his traveling companions ...
“Promenades”, directed by Eric Darmon and Guillaume Diamant-Berger, images Eric Darmon, produced by Mémoire Magnétique and Espace Frans Krajcberg, 2013.
Benches and chairs are available. Have a seat and enjoy.
- MANIFESTOS OF INTEGRAL NATURALISM: It is the first text written in 1978 by Pierre Restany, based on the work of Frans Krajcberg. He already invited artists to fight against the pollution of our century. The New Manifesto of Integral Naturalism written in 2013 by Frans Krajcerg and Claude Mollard radicalised the terms.
- PHOTOGRAPHS BY FRANS KRAJCBERG: For more than fifty years, Frans Krajcberg stood against deforestation, especially in the Amazon, putting all his work and his notoriety at the service of his struggle. We present at Espace Frans Krajcberg a selection of photographs he took on the spot, in the middle of the flames.
Frans Krajcberg’s work was also hopeful: inviting us to be inspired by nature’s capacity for resilience, in order to be awakened to the wonders of the world. He tirelessly photographed thousands of details that amazed him daily. We also show some samples.
Espace Frans Krajcberg has a bookstore corner, where you can consult books on Frans Krajcberg, as well as a selection of works on Art, nature and ecology.
Frans Krajcberg is one of the greatest Brazilian artists of the 20th century. Come and discover his life and his works!