Espace Frans Krajcberg presents the collection of the City of Paris
The works donated by the artist to the City of Paris are on deposit at the Art Center, which manages their conservation and presentation to the public, on permanent display.
With Espace Frans Krajcberg, the Association is committed to the City to promote the artist, his work and, according to his will, to continue its fight for preservation of nature and in particular of the Amazonian forest and the peoples who inhabit it.
Within this framework, the Association receives an annual operating subsidy.

They support Espace Frans Krajcberg and we thank them
SKILLS SPONSORSHIP (Loupi lighting systems)

Associação dos Amigos de Frans Krajcberg
The Brazilian Association of Friends of Frans Krajcberg is committed to being a reference center for the work and life of the artist, working for the preservation of his heritage.
Survival International
Survival International is an NGO founded in London in 1969 by a group of people outraged by the genocide of the Amazon Indians. She works alongside indigenous peoples to campaign, lobby and protest for their land rights. The goal is to amplify Indigenous voices so they are heard.
With Survival International, Espace Frans Krajcerg has developed a cycle of online conferences on the different means at our disposal to mobilize alongside the indigenous peoples of the Brazilian and French Amazon. We discuss militant activism, indigenous struggles, their inspiring relationship with nature, the commitment of Western museums and indigenous contemporary art, with speakers as diverse as Jeunesse natuelle de Guyane, Autres Brésils, la Ferme du Bec Hellouin, the Cartier Foundation, the Pinacoteca de São Paulo... a cycle of conferences to be found on our facebook page!
This partnership is in line with the committed line of Frans Krajcberg, who fought until the end of his life to defend the Amazon rainforest and its ecosystem.
Art-exprim is an association law 1901 created in 2000, by Sandrine Montagne, Philip Peryn and Caroline Dié. Its mission is to support and advise the creation of the visual arts to promote the democratization of art.
Alongside art-exprim, the Espace Frans Krajcberg raises young audiences' awareness of nature, thanks to workshops developed from the artistic work and commitment of Frans Krajcberg. The educational policy of art-exprim and that of Espace Krajcberg go in the same direction: they both start from the artistic, active and sensitive experience of children to lead them to assimilate the themes of the workshops. Children are invited to art, nature and the challenges of its protection from the experience of creating works.
“Here there is no learning like at school but an immersion in everyone's creativity; and if there is transmission of techniques, it is through practice that this occurs”.
Arty Garage
Arty Garage aims to spread culture among young audiences: to make children aware of contemporary art through the creation and dissemination of works by emerging artists and of the artistic profession through a dialogue between these artists and the children.
Espace Krajcberg and Arty Garage wanted to collaborate for the design, implementation and development of educational workshops for young audiences and adults, around the work of Frans Krajcberg and his message, focused on the art, nature and the defense of the environment.

Ë project
ë project is an agency that helps art professionals and artists with communication and the dissemination of their cultural and artistic projects. Together, ë project and Espace Frans Krajcberg organize a program of Literary & Artistic meetings on the themes of Art and Nature. Bringing together authors and readers in a quarterly meeting, the objective is to create a space for reflection on our modes of interaction and creation, in order to reinvent our relationships with nature and the living. These signature afternoons are accompanied by the projection of video works produced around the themes of the Anthropocene, ecology and nature.
Opline Prize
OPLINE is an association that awards a prize each year to a contemporary, emerging or confirmed artist. Partner since 2019, the Frans Krajcberg space exhibits one of the prize winners each year.
"OPLINE is democratic, intergenerational, digital, fun, free and universal": the particularity of this contemporary art prize is to be online: the Internet user has the possibility of choosing its winner from among 10 artists, themselves selected by personalities from the art world “the selection is multidisciplinary, it highlights the new technologies practiced by emerging or established artists. »
Photoclimat is a social and environmental biennale of Parisian photography, the first edition of which will take place from September 18 to October 17, 2021 in multiple locations in the capital and in institutions in Greater Paris.
On the program: a series of exhibitions bringing together more than thirty committed international artists as well as the major players in ecological commitment in France – NGOs, associations, foundations – to raise awareness among the public, especially the younger generations, about the urgency of the climate issue.
Marcia Barrozo do Amaral Galeria de Arte
Inaugurated in 1974 and specializing in multiple works, the gallery gradually began to work with painting and sculpture, welcoming new artists. Since the 1980s, the gallery has built a solid relationship with Frans Krajcberg, becoming one of the main supporters of his work. She then became a benchmark for Krajcberg's work in Brazil, a position she holds until today.
Galeria Caribé
Specializing in modern and contemporary art, brothers Sergio and Luiz Carlos Caribé have been active on the Brazilian art scene since 1984, showcasing important paintings and sculptures and representing major artists on the national scene. The Caribé gallery has established itself as one of the reference centers for contemporary art in Brazil.
Air Arts
The AiR Arts runs a residency program that supports intercultural exchange, research, professional development and creation. With the project of preserving the cultural heritage of 20th century artists who went to school in Paris, the last existing studio at 11 cité Falguière in the 15th arrondissement of Paris will be restored and will welcome artists and researchers from around the world in residence. entire.
The objective of the Clarens Foundation is to undertake and promote all activities aimed at redefining humanist values in contemporary terms. It aims to develop any reflection and research (symposia, meetings, competitions, surveys) by ensuring their dissemination through publishing, web and media. The Foundation encourages experiments and practices that can develop personal and collective creativity: educational activities and creative workshops, exhibitions, documentary works, testimonies or interviews, a plurality of forms is encouraged.
The Clarens Foundation also collaborates with intellectual and heritage institutions and supports their activities.
La Fresque du Climat is working to involve all individuals and organizations in the transition, allowing the rapid dissemination of a shared understanding of the challenge of climate change.
They carry out this mission of education and awareness among all audiences, in France and in more than 50 countries.
The effectiveness of this educational tool and its license of use have facilitated its exponential diffusion, with a doubling of the number of people sensitized every 5 months. The project’s ambition is to create a chain of actors with exponential growth, to quickly relay this quality climate pedagogy, and reach the social tipping point will allow the turning towards a low-carbon world.

Fondé en 1997, l'Instituto Inclusartiz est une organisation culturelle à but non lucratif basée à Rio de Janeiro dont l'ambition est de promouvoir l'art contemporain mondial en reliant le monde lusophone à la formation d'artistes, de conservateurs, de chercheurs et de commanditaires à chaque étape de leur carrière.
À la tête de l'un des programmes de résidence artistique les plus prestigieux et les plus complets du Brésil, Inclusartiz a accueilli des artistes et des conservateurs de renom, tels que Yuko Hasegawa (Japon), Hans Ulrich Obrist (Suisse), Amanda Abi Khalil (Liban) Gerda Steiner & Jorg Lenzlinger (Suisse) et Valeska Soares (Brésil), et des talents prometteurs comme Maxwell Alexandre (Brésil), Manauara Clandestina (Brésil), Vivian Caccuri (Brésil) et Xadalu Tupã Jekupé (Brésil).
The Sandbox, created by Arthur Madrid and Sébastien Borget, is a gaming platform where users can build and share their own virtual worlds. With simple tools, users can give free rein to their creativity by creating unique games, characters and stories. What makes The Sandbox special is that the creations truly belong to their creators, offering an interactive and personalized gaming experience.
The Yves Rocher Foundation is a non-profit organisation created by the famous entrepreneur and environmentalist Yves Rocher. Founded in 1991, it is dedicated to preserving biodiversity, promoting sustainable development and raising environmental awareness. The foundation supports projects aimed at protecting nature, promoting ecological responsibility and encouraging environmental initiatives. It is also involved in social and educational actions to encourage a lifestyle that respects the planet. The Yves Rocher Foundation embodies the founder's environmental heritage and works for a world where beauty and nature coexist in harmony.
Le Musée de La Poste, créé en 1946, est le musée d'entreprise du Groupe La Poste, dédié à l'histoire postale et à la philatélie française. Initialement ouvert à un autre emplacement, il est installé depuis 1973 au 34, boulevard de Vaugirard, à Paris. Labellisé Musée de France et sous la tutelle du ministère de la Culture, il a fermé en 2015 pour une restructuration complète avant de rouvrir en novembre 2019.
Ce musée est un lieu de préservation et de diffusion du patrimoine postal. À travers ses collections, qui s'étendent sur plus de 1 000 m², il retrace non seulement l'histoire de La Poste mais aussi celle du quotidien en France. On y trouve des pièces variées comme des cartes des anciennes routes postales, des uniformes de facteurs, des maquettes d'artistes, des timbres, ainsi qu'une importante collection d'art postal et de mail art.