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CONFÉRENCE : La notion d'image chez les Huni Kuin

​Pour la fin de l’exposition « YUXI NUKUKUNAI, O Encontro de Almas (les Rencontres d’Âmes) » l’anthropologue Patrick Deshayes donnera une conférence sur la notion d’image chez les Huni Kuin, peuple brésilien autochtone d’où sont issus les MAHKU (Movimento Artistico Huni Kuin). Patrick Deshayes a vécu de nombreuses années auprès des Huni Kuin. En tant que réalisateur et « faiseur d’image », il montrera aussi des extraits de son documentaire Nawa Huni.


Jeudi 19  décembre 2024.

Pour retrouver la conférence : cliquez ici​​

RENCONTRE : Féministe autochtones, militantes : L'art pour guérir

Portant sur la transmission d'un héritage ancestral et son émancipation, l'affirmation d'un art qui guérit et répare, l'Espace Frans Krajcberg accueille une rencontre avec les trois artistes et militantes Kassia Borges Mytara, Rita Huni Kuin et Celeste Fabiola Mayorga Urbina. 

Jeudi 24 Octobre 2024.

Pour retrouver la conférence : cliquez ici  (Rita Huni Kuin)

cliquez ici (Kassia Borges Mytara)

cliquez ici (Celeste Mayorga)

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ENTRETIEN: L'écologie intérieure avec Marie Gueydon De Dives et Victoire Théismann 

Dans le cadre de l'exposition "Regarder l'invisible" de Marie Gueydon de Dives et Benoit Fournier. 

Jeudi ​27.06.24 

Pour revoir la conférence : cliquez ici

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With Gilles Van Peteghem and Daniel Perron

Wednesday November 25, 2023 - Signing meeting around the work “Thinking forest, Acting against the Anthropocene” with Gilles Van Peteghem, forestry engineer, head of the Organizing Committee of the 20th Congress of the European Union of Foresters in 2021, and Daniel Perron.

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With Gilles Van Peteghem and Daniel Perron

Wednesday November 25, 2023 - Signing meeting around the work “Thinking forest, Acting against the Anthropocene” with Gilles Van Peteghem, forestry engineer, head of the Organizing Committee of the 20th Congress of the European Union of Foresters in 2021, and Daniel Perron.


Rencontre avec Daiara Tukano (BR) et Clarisse da Silva (FR), Artistes et militantes autochtones.

Les artistes et militantes Daiara Tukano (BR) et Clarisse Da Silva (FR) se retrouvent mardi 19 mars à l'Espace Frans Krajcberg pour évoquer, ensemble et avec vous, les liens qui existent entre art, cosmopolitismes et luttes pour un mode de vie plus harmonieux. 

Pour revoir la conférence cliquez ici (lien facebook).

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RENCONTRE : Lancement du livre en français d'Eliane Brum, Banzeriro Òkòtó, Amazonie, le centre du monde

Écrivaine, journaliste, documentaliste et militante écologiste et féministe née en 1966, Eliane Brum est la reporter la plus primée de l'histoire du Brésil. Co-fondatrice du collectif de journalistes "Sumaúma", plateforme sur l'écologie en Amazonie 

Entre récit intime et enquête journalistique, un cri d'alarme et un état des lieux saisissant de la catastrophe écologique à l'oeuvre en Amazonie.

Mercredi 2 Octobre 2024 


Pour retrouver la conférence : cliquez ici ​


With Gilles Van Peteghem and Daniel Perron

Wednesday November 25, 2023 - Signing meeting around the work “Thinking forest, Acting against the Anthropocene” with Gilles Van Peteghem, forestry engineer, head of the Organizing Committee of the 20th Congress of the European Union of Foresters in 2021, and Daniel Perron.

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With Livia Melzi, Emilio Azevedo, Laila Melchior

Wednesday October 4, 2023 - Meeting-debate around the work of the two artists and the themes raised by the Exhibition Wednesday October 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Espace Frans Krajcberg.

Find the link to the conference-debate around the ORDER OF THINGS exhibition here.

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with Perrine Bulgheroni, Serge Orru and Séverine Assouline


What is permaculture? Where does it come from?

Beyond pure biology, permaculture designates an ethic and a way of looking at the world, by observing and duplicating natural dynamics to apply them to societies and inter-human relations, with a constant concern for efficiency, sustainability and resilience.

In practice, "being attentive to the human" means first of all being attentive to oneself and one's primary needs, so as to then be attentive to others, and by extension, to the community. Our current system creates inequalities and major human problems... How can we remedy them? How can we make decisions together and ensure that everyone expresses their point of view? These are just some of the questions that human permaculture seeks to answer by exploring new modes of governance, decision-making and collective organization. Human permaculture is the art of supporting the development of human communities that embrace the permaculture ethic, so that they can be autonomous, mature and resilient.

This new meeting is organized as a follow-up to the conference Peuples autochtones et nature: un exemple inspirant de préservation de l'environnement, which took place on March 3, 2021 at Espace Frans Krajcberg (with guests Charles Hervé-Gruyer, from Ferme Biologique du Bec-Hellouin and Fiore Longo, advocacy officer at Survival International France). The aim is to shed light on this type of practice, inspired by indigenous communities and essential to preserving our ecosystems... and the future of humanity!


To watch the conference again

Living Objects

With Rahma Shazam and Brigitte Adès

Wednesday October 25, 2023 - Espace Frans Krajcberg welcomes researcher Rahma Khazam, and journalist Brigitte Adès for a dialogue around the collective work Objets Vivants Editions Mimésis, published in 2023 under the direction of Rahma Khazam.

Find the link to the conference here

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with Perrine Bulgheroni, Serge Orru and Séverine Assouline


What is permaculture? Where does it come from?

Beyond pure biology, permaculture designates an ethic and a way of looking at the world, by observing and duplicating natural dynamics to apply them to societies and inter-human relations, with a constant concern for efficiency, sustainability and resilience.

In practice, "being attentive to the human" means first of all being attentive to oneself and one's primary needs, so as to then be attentive to others, and by extension, to the community. Our current system creates inequalities and major human problems... How can we remedy them? How can we make decisions together and ensure that everyone expresses their point of view? These are just some of the questions that human permaculture seeks to answer by exploring new modes of governance, decision-making and collective organization. Human permaculture is the art of supporting the development of human communities that embrace the permaculture ethic, so that they can be autonomous, mature and resilient.

This new meeting is organized as a follow-up to the conference Peuples autochtones et nature: un exemple inspirant de préservation de l'environnement, which took place on March 3, 2021 at Espace Frans Krajcberg (with guests Charles Hervé-Gruyer, from Ferme Biologique du Bec-Hellouin and Fiore Longo, advocacy officer at Survival International France). The aim is to shed light on this type of practice, inspired by indigenous communities and essential to preserving our ecosystems... and the future of humanity!


To watch the conference again




26 March 2021 - For this conference in our series "Resistance: nature, art and indigenous peoples", we are delighted to welcome the Pinacoteca de São Paulo and the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain to talk about the role of museums and contemporary art centres in relaying indigenous struggles. 


 The Pinacoteca de São Paulo is a visual arts museum that focuses on Brazilian production from the 19th century to the present day, in dialogue with world cultures. The city's oldest art museum, founded in 1905 by the government of the State of São Paulo, it organises exhibitions of its famous collection of Brazilian art and temporary exhibitions of national and international artists. 

For the first time, the Pinacoteca has produced an exhibition devoted to contemporary indigenous production, curated by indigenous researcher Naine Terena. "Véxoa: Nós sabemos" presents 23 indigenous artists/collectives from different regions of Brazil. 
The exhibition's curator, Naine Terena, and the Pinacoteca's managing director, Jochen Volz, will be present for the live broadcast. 


Both a creative space for artists and a meeting place for art and the general public, the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain aims to promote contemporary creation and disseminate knowledge about it. The Foundation will be represented by Leanne Sacramone, curator at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain and co-curator of the exhibition "Claudia Andujar. The Yanomami struggle". 


You can watch this conference again here.

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3 March 2021 -For this conference in the series, "Resistance, nature, art and indigenous peoples", we are delighted to welcome Charles Hervé-Gruyer, from the Ferme Biologique du Bec-Hellouin, and Fiore Longo, Survival's advocacy officer.


As Jeremy Rifkin points out, Western societies have not been able to evolve without destroying our environment, unlike indigenous peoples, who today are the only models of human societies that respect the space in which they have lived for centuries.


80% of the Earth's biodiversity is found in indigenous territories. Charles drew on this expertise and knowledge after living with indigenous peoples in America to create his permaculture farm, La Ferme Biologique du Bec Hellouin, an oasis of biodiversity. In his gardens and orchards, crossed by the river Bec, visitors can discover 500 varieties of fruit trees, numerous vegetables, aromatic and medicinal plants, as well as a variety of animals.


For Charles, drawing on this indigenous knowledge and practice is essential if we are to preserve our ecosystems.


However, in the nature conservation industry, the opposite is often true. The best guardians of nature are expelled and have their rights violated in the name of so-called 'nature protection'.


Fiore Longo, in charge of the "Decolonising nature conservation" campaign, will talk about green colonialism and why it is urgent for the planet and humanity to place indigenous peoples at the centre of the ecological movement.


You can watch the conference again here.



Defending and reclaiming territories, empowering indigenous peoples: perspectives from Brazil and Guyana 


24 May 2023 - "Rêver la Terre" is a collective, hybrid and plural response to Frans Krajcberg's Cry for the Planet in the face of forest destruction. 
At this first meeting and debate, we invite women artists and activists to talk about their commitment to the Amazon, from the perspective o
f French Guiana and Brazil. 


What are the major challenges they face today? What were the most influential actions in which they participated, in terms of protecting the territory and recognising and empowering indigenous peoples? What role has contemporary art played in their struggle? 













To see the conference again

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25 January 2022 - Immerse yourself in the world of the great composer Heitor Villa Lobos (1887-1959).

Screening of the film "Heitor Villa-Lobos, l'âme de Rio", directed by Eric Darmon, co-written by Anaïs Fléchet - production Arline Films (2008-52min) 

- Opening - Anthology Villa-Lobos, Works for wind instrument op1. & op.2 le Concert Impromptu invites you to discover Villa-Lobos's work for wind instruments in two opuses that combine his choros, bachianas, Ciranda and references to the Indians as well as Bach and Stravinsky.

- Debate/lecture led by Anaïs Fléchet, lecturer in contemporary history - Université Paris-Saclay, with Eric Darmon, Violaine Dufès, artistic director of the Concert impromptu, and Yves Charpentier, founder of the ensemble. 

A musical dialogue with the works of Frans Krajcberg, for a Brazilian immersion in the world of two artists who are Parisians at heart!

Composer Heitor Villa-Lobos is the emblematic figure of Brazilian "musica erudita". With his Portuguese and Indian origins, his adventurous life, his attachment to France and Paris in particular, his commitment to bringing his music to life, transmitting it to the Brazilian people and imposing it on the international scene, and his genius and creative power, he left an indelible mark on twentieth-century classical music.




23 July 2022 - A meeting in the heart of the forest at the Espace Frans Krajcberg, Centre d'Art contemporain, Art & Nature!

Dialogue between Lionel Guibout, Michel Neff - agent of the City of Paris at the Service de l'Arbre et des Bois at the Bois de Vincennes and Marie-Laure Verroust-Blisten - heritage journalist at the magazine La Demeure Historique for monumental heritage and gardens, and co-author of the book "La Sédelle, un arboretum dans son paysage".

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14 December 2022 - La Pensée végétale: Meeting/signing with Marc William Debono at the Espace Frans Krajcberg!  


How can a plant thought develop without its instigator knowing? 

The emergence of thought beyond experience, the plasticity of the living, poetic writing and tangled roots... These are all paths that touch on our sensitive intelligence and our intimate views of the tree of life. 

Join Marc William Debono (neurobiologist and poet) on a poetic journey to discover the unique forms of intelligence in living things. 
A dialogue with Bénédicte Letellier (Professor of Comparative Literature), moderated by Professor Norman Cornett (Montreal, Quebec). 


About the author:Marc-William Debono is an author, poet and neurobiology researcher specialising in plant electrobiology. He is currently in charge of the Art & Science ID section of the Culture 91 collective (Essonne). In 2008 he published a poetry essay, l'épissure des mots, with L'Harmattan, and in 2020 he published l'intelligence des plantes en question with Hermann, an essay proposing a dialogue at the crossroads of the arts, sciences and humanities on the intelligent phenomenon, sensitivity and extreme otherness of plants.

Conférence #1  L’action de Survival International et de l’Espace Frans Krajcberg  un lien


28 January 2021 - Live conference on our Facebook page  

What tools can we use to take concrete action? 

The series kicks off with an initial discussion on the importance of activism, giving people the tools they need to take action, both online and in person, for indigenous p
eoples, nature and humanity as a whole. 

You can watch this lecture here.

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CONFÉRENCE : Fondation Cartier x MAHKU 

Retour sur l'histoire et la mission des mahku (movimento dos artistes Huni Kuin)  avec Ibã Sales Huni Kuin et Leane Sacramone de la fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain. 

18 septembre 2024 

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With Gilles Van Peteghem and Daniel Perron

Wednesday November 25, 2023 - Signing meeting around the work “Thinking forest, Acting against the Anthropocene” with Gilles Van Peteghem, forestry engineer, head of the Organizing Committee of the 20th Congress of the European Union of Foresters in 2021, and Daniel Perron.

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With Gilles Van Peteghem and Daniel Perron

Wednesday November 25, 2023 - Signing meeting around the work “Thinking forest, Acting against the Anthropocene” with Gilles Van Peteghem, forestry engineer, head of the Organizing Committee of the 20th Congress of the European Union of Foresters in 2021, and Daniel Perron.

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with Perrine Bulgheroni, Serge Orru and Séverine Assouline


What is permaculture? Where does it come from?

Beyond pure biology, permaculture designates an ethic and a way of looking at the world, by observing and duplicating natural dynamics to apply them to societies and inter-human relations, with a constant concern for efficiency, sustainability and resilience.

In practice, "being attentive to the human" means first of all being attentive to oneself and one's primary needs, so as to then be attentive to others, and by extension, to the community. Our current system creates inequalities and major human problems... How can we remedy them? How can we make decisions together and ensure that everyone expresses their point of view? These are just some of the questions that human permaculture seeks to answer by exploring new modes of governance, decision-making and collective organization. Human permaculture is the art of supporting the development of human communities that embrace the permaculture ethic, so that they can be autonomous, mature and resilient.

This new meeting is organized as a follow-up to the conference Peuples autochtones et nature: un exemple inspirant de préservation de l'environnement, which took place on March 3, 2021 at Espace Frans Krajcberg (with guests Charles Hervé-Gruyer, from Ferme Biologique du Bec-Hellouin and Fiore Longo, advocacy officer at Survival International France). The aim is to shed light on this type of practice, inspired by indigenous communities and essential to preserving our ecosystems... and the future of humanity!


To watch the conference again

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15 March 2023 - a conference on the impact and challenges faced by French forests in the face of global warming, presented by Gilles Van Peteghem, forestry engineer and head of the Organising Committee for the XXth Congress of the European Union of Foresters in 2021, 


In the run-up to National Forest Day on 21 March, let's open up the debate by taking stock of the state of our forests and the challenges they face! 
As part of the "Frans Krajcberg, the Militant" exhibition, honouring Frans Krajcberg's fight to denounce massive deforestation, for which he received several death threats, we invite you to take a closer look at the environment around you. 
"Through my forestry skills acquired during my training and professional courses, it seemed obvious to me that I should pass on to as many people as possible what I have received by putting the Tree and the Forest back in the centre of the village. It's also a way of perpetuating the intergenerational link that our trees and forests represent so well. - Gilles Van Peteghem 


Watch the conference

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15 February 2023 - a conference led by Gilles Clément, Jacques Leenhardt and Claude Mollard. 


What has been the artistic commitment to the Planet on each side of the Atlantic? 

 What 'ecological' events in museums marked this period? 


The post-war years saw profound upheavals, with technology and the industrial revolution booming like never before. Nature seemed inexhaustible! 
We harvested without counting the cost, even if it meant destroying whole tracts of land. All over the world, voices are beginning to be raised, but they remain isolated. 

In France, a Ministry of the Environment was created in 1971, responsible for protecting nature and the environment. In Brazil, Brasilia was being built, the trans-Amazonian highway was crossing the country and the forests were going up in flames! Frans Krajcberg committed himself forcefully to denouncing and shouting out his revolt.  
The exhibitions in 1975 at the CNAC, the forerunner of the Centre Pompidou, where Frans Krajcberg met Claude Mollard, and the exhibition "Villette-Amazone, Manifeste pour l'environnement au XXIe siècle" (curated by Jacques Leenhardt and Bettina Laville), in 1996, were high points. The debates attracted huge audiences. At La Villette, Frans Krajcberg took over the Grande Halle with a forest of 140 "Revolts", totems made of burnt wood from deforestation. "The twenty-first century will be cultural or it won't be," states the Manifesto in the catalogue. Landscape architect Gilles Clément was part of the adventure. Three years later, he launched his Planetary Garden on the same site, "a political project of humanist ecology".




7 December 2022 - Following in the footsteps of Frans Krajcberg, who put all his art at the service of the Planet, Yann Arthus-Bertrand is an artist committed to the "great struggle of the 21st century".

His unique career has raised our awareness of environmental issues.
For one hour, the artist will share with you his story and the reasons for his commitment to the service of mankind and biodiversity!

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28 April 2021 -For this conference in our series "Resistance: nature, art and indigenous peoples", we are delighted to welcome indigenous artists Kássia Borges and Ibã Huni Kuin. They will talk to us about their artistic practices, and the fundamental role of contemporary art in giving a voice to their communities.

About the artists and the collective :

 Kássia Borges, from the Karajá (iny) people, is an artist, curator and teacher.
Her research focuses on origins, the feminine and ancestrality, in the fields of ceramics, photography, drawing, installation, mixed media, sculpture and video.

Kassia Borges has an international career; she has lived in Europe, where she has had residencies in Germany and France.
Her work reflects this encounter between the influences of Western artists, such as Joseph Beuys, and the transmission of indigenous Brazilian language.
Today, she is a professor of three-dimensional art and ceramics at the Federal University of Uberlândia.
Alongside her career as a solo artist, she is a member of the MAHKU collective and translates the sacred songs of her partner Ibã into paint.


Isaías Sales (Ibã) is originally from the Huni Kuin people.
Aware of the importance of keeping alive the ancestral knowledge and rituals of the Huni Kuin people, Ibã set up MAHKU, the Movement of Huni Kuin Artists, in 2013.
The MAHKU collective adopts drawing and painting to visually translate the ancestral sacred songs of their community. Their paintings are a representation of the visions produced during the rituals of singing and ingesting "nixi pae", or ayahuasca.

The collective works with the Espírito da Floresta research programme, and with the support of the Image and Sound Laboratory (LABI) and the Indigenous Licence, both from the UFC-Campus Floresta.
The collective has exhibited at the Fondation Cartier in Paris, the Museum of Modern Art in São Paulo, the MAM, the CCBB in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte, the Instituto Moreira Salles and the Pinacoteca de São Paulo, among others. 

You can revisit this conference on our Facebook page by clicking




 2020 - Lionel Guibout, cuja exposição "Feux de tous bois" estamos apresentando durante todo o verão, nos contará sobre o nascimento do livro "Méduse", publicado em 2002 pela Galleria del Leone e revivido na exposição "Médusa project" em 2004. 

A história de Jean-Baptiste Savigny, um cirurgião que sobreviveu ao naufrágio, inspirou Michel Tournier e Lionel Guibout a escreverem um livro extraordinário, fruto de inúmeros encontros e trocas entre o escritor e o artista. 




Conferência "Lionel GUIBOUT e David DE COURCUFF sobre a prova de fogo". 



Lionel Guibout queria que conhecêssemos David de Gourcuff, o fundador da fundição ART FUSIONS, com quem ele criou os bronzes "Paroles d'écorces" que você pode ver em sua exposição. 
Com sede no coração da região de Auvergne, em Combrailles (Puy de Dôme), David de Gourcuff sempre foi fascinado pela arte da fundição. 
Juntos, eles o convidam a descobrir os diferentes estágios do processo, desde a criação do molde usando a técnica de cera perdida até a pátina. Uma infinidade de gestos, ferramentas e escolhas decisivas na execução de relevos, materiais e cores, provando que nada teria sido possível sem um diálogo perfeito entre o artista e o fundidor. É um momento único a ser compartilhado enquanto você ouve os dois atores contarem a fusão que os uniu ao longo dessa aventura. 
Um encontro de perto com a "casca".




10 February 2021 - Survival International / Espace Frans Krajcberg


Do you remember that the Amazon rainforest stretches all the way to France and is (partly) part of the European Union?
Do you remember that some indigenous communities speak French and are our fellow citizens?

Strange as it may seem, it's high time we were alarmed about their fate and that of the forest that Frans Krajcberg and Sebastião Salgado defended body and soul.

The aim of our second conference with Survival International is to talk about indigenous resistance in the French (Guiana) and Brazilian Amazon, and we are inviting the Indigenous Youth of Guiana and Other Brazils to testify.


You can watch the conference here.

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